NGU Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) considers users’ personal information important and complies with the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., and all legal regulations regarding the protection of personal information.

If the company collects, uses or provides the user's personal information, it must notify the user in advance and go through the consent process. If the user does not consent, the company will not collect, use or provide the user's personal information. However, if users refuse consent, their use of all or part of the service may be restricted.

Through the personal information collection/use guide, the company will inform users of the purpose and method of using the personal information provided by the user and that the company is always making efforts to protect the user's personal information.

  1. Personal information items collected and collection methods

  2. Purpose of collection and use of personal information

  3. Retention and use period of personal information

  4. Procedures and methods for destroying personal information

  5. Provision of personal information

  6. Entrustment of collected personal information

  7. Rights of minor users and legal representatives

  8. Matters concerning the installation, operation, and refusal of automatic personal information collection devices

  9. Technical and administrative protection measures for personal information

  10. Responding to inquiries regarding personal information

  11. Supplementary provisions

  12. Personal information items collected and collection methods

The company collects only the information required to provide basic services such as membership registration, smooth response to user inquiries, and provision of various services, as well as information necessary to provide more satisfactory services.

(1) Items of personal information collected

① The company collects the following personal information when first registering as a member or using the game service on the platform below to provide membership, smooth user consultation, and various services. (However, for some games, only login services are provided, and personal information is not collected or stored)

Company game: Required items (ID, nickname, password), optional items (mobile phone number)

Facebook account: Required items (identifier information, ID, profile photo, Facebook friend list), optional items (mobile phone number)